Imagine gently placed an empty bottle on the ground, only to look at rolling up a hill; or parking in a field tilted at an angle, which seems really inappropriate for a parking lot-only to see the cars rolling in the direction opposed gravity in a way that cannot be explained. No doubt you are faced with a very strange phenomenon.
Dozens of locations in the U.S. - such as the Church of the Awful Buck districts in Pennsylvania, Maryland and the Ghost Hill junction Jacob in Texas - and many more around the world, one can find a magical hill, the road of interest or places that reveal the nature of anti-gravity. In these places, in a strange, all things look against the laws of physics.
How does this hill anti-gravity reaction? Simply put a tin can, a bottle or any object shaped like a ball on the ground in places where this mysterious. You can sit back and observe them slowly and continuously until it rises to the top.
Apparently, a phenomenon that cannot be explained can be found even more frequently when someone parked a car in places like that and then get the vehicle rolling away mysteriously. Even the water in the gutters along the street is seen flowing in the wrong direction.
Some people said that initially some strange way is found in regions that experienced the deviation of a gravity or magnetic attraction force of the extraordinary amount of material produced by the iron near the volcano. But often questionable, the objects that are interested in general are immune to the magnetic attractive force (such as rubber balls, glass bottles, and so on).
Of course there are others who suggest a more supernatural explanation. A place in the Brag, Portugal, is said to have got the ability of the spell-spell long ago. The workers are tired hamlet carrying a heavy load up a hill, opposite the direction of the slope of gravity. Supernatural intentions they say should make transporting loads up the hill that much easier.
Ghost Hill Unseen
Some of the hillside location offers a magical tale of the terrifying symptoms of this against gravity. Local residents often take advantage of places where this strange, often used to persuade the tourists, hoping they easily become victims of a local legend.
Apart from the seemingly strange phenomenon is, the slope of this magical (or at least most of it) has an explanation that more contact with the ground compared to the magnetic basement or mischievous ghosts.
Often found in these locations is a vision that is misleading (it is a false horizon line and order around the area that can make "invisible slope" seems to be more tilted than the actual existence). Causing passerby’s ilussination that hill rises, despite the fact that down. Places where "magic" is often demonstrate a deceptive slope of sight but can be explained rationally by using a horizontal measure (the so-called water passes by construction workers).
In this illusion, things seem to roll "up the hill" must follow the laws of physics known as bubble balance (in the middle position, not inclined to one side) that is displayed by a gauge horizontal (pass water) . But it seems our eyes deceive us continue even after the evidence has shown, some people still ask whether the bubble device itself may be regulated by the magic of generosity. (Epochtimes)
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