Figuring that we often can only harm insects ourselves with teeth that do not have dangerous levels but if we knew that there was an insect bite that has a highly toxic because it danger. We will provide information about toxic to insects that we are more circumspect the heart in daily life.
This is an insect that has 10 or more poisons more specifics of the most poisonous insects in the world
10. Fire ant
caused by fire ant bites and the most deaths among other types of ants .. around 20 deaths in the world
its sting causes us to feel like a taxable fuel, swelling sick, and can die no reaction allergic reply.
9. Killer Bee

Killerbee cause a lot of insects to kill the most number 2. (THe number 1 mosquito). Approximately 600 deaths in the world. In the USA it self 100 people die with this bee. Most AGGRESSIVE Bee.
if the sting, swelling sick, can die from allergic reactions, and possibly shortness of breath.
In found in North America, South America
8. Yellow Jacket
Most AGRESIF bee. Menyebabkan Wasps bite cases most of the wasps.
If the sting causes, reddish, itching, swelling of skin cutting, could die because of allergic reactions.
is found in North America
7. Centipede
Most poisonous centipedes among other species of centipede .
if the sting, can be itching, swelling and allergic reactions, kidney failure, cardiac arrest can occur and cause death.
in found in South America
6. Western Honey Bee
Most poisone bees, but less aggressive and rarely attack compared with Africanized Honeybee (killerbee)
if the sting: Itching, swelling, reddish, die if there is an allergic reaction
in found in Europe
5. Paper Wasp
Most poisones Wasps and causes the most deaths among another bees.Above 30 deaths in the world.
If the sting: reddish, itching, swelling, could also get diarrhea, fever, convulsions.can die if allergic.
in found in North America, Europe
4. Giant Japanese Hornet
Most poison winged insects. Inject poison in one most of the sting.
If the sting: rara avis swelling pain in the skin and can Dissolve human skin. Could die because of allergic reactions. Because of toxic effects, can cause respiratory failure.
In the find in Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, India
3. Red Harvester
One of the most poison ants! But less aggressive than ever in the Fire Ants. Only found in the USA.
If the sting: Swellingof a very sick in kulit. Can die because of allergic reactions.
2.Lonomia Caterpillar
2. Lonomia Catterpilar
Most poison caterpillar in the world!! Insect poison and most of the world's number 2!
If the sting: Itchy scratchy if the hold, the swelling painful, vomiting and bleeding demam. can also include brain bleeding and kidney failure. Can die from bleeding .
In the find in South America
1. Yellow Harvester Ant
Another name is the Maricopa Harvester Ant.
yup, small and its plasticity is not dangerous.Tapi most posion insects!
LD50 test it with the most low!
only found in Arizona and the USA
If the bite: Swelling very sakit.Bisa die if there is a reaction of alergi.1 stings can kill a rat with a weight of 2kg...
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