Unique And Unusual Energy Drink

Posted by john Z | 1:19 AM

Like Energy Drink?
Energy drink is a type of drink which is intended to increase the energy of someone who drinks. For some quarters, the energy drink to be drunk in order to prevent drowsiness.
Here's a variety of energy drinks are unique & unusual
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Duracell Energy Drink
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Cool energy drink spotted in the nether-regions of Bratislava.
Blood Energy Drink
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Blood Energy Potion looks and tastes like real blood and comes in a resealable, transfusion-style blood bag.
Duff Energy Drink
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Energy drink inspired by a fictional brand of beer from the animated series The Simpsons
Light Bulb Energy Drink
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In originally designed light bulb shaped bottle, Gloji drink is all about energy, antioxidants and balanced health.
Vodka Energy Drink
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P.i.n.k. is a caffeine infused vodka imported from the Netherlands and blended with guaranĂ¡ extract.
LiftOff Energy Drink
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Portable energy drink helps fight physical and mental fatigue.
Hand Grenade Energy Drink
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Unusual grenade inspired 250ml energy drink with a pull tab.

Tylenol Energy Drink
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Loren Kulesus has designed a Tylenol energy drink that would reduce pain and provide energy without the caffeine.
Mana Energy Drink
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Mana Energy Potion was created with gamers in mind. Each tiny shot is loaded with 160mg of caffeine and tons of other energy boosters.
• Cocaine Energy Drink
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Highly caffeinated energy drink that contains three and a half times (280 mg) the caffeine of a more popular energy drink, Red Bull.
Super Mario Energy Drink
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Nintendo Super Mario Bros. Power Up! Energy Drink.
True Blood Energy Drink
Fictional energy drink created to promote “True Blood” TV show.
Glow in the Dark Energy Drink
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Nite Owl combines a unique energy drink, a glow-in-the-dark shot glass tray, and dry ice

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